What’s she have there? If she knew she could claim something older (to be honest I was curious just how far back Three Blind Mice went and didn’t know until now myself). One of the earliest versions of Three Blind Mice is a hundred ninety years older than Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 4 in C minor. 1609 vs 1799. Although the version she she’s got is more likely based more off the nursery rhyme than the original round, which would put it well after his death.
Of course she could still impress him with Joseph Holbrook’s Three Blind Mice, Symphonic variations on an old Enlish air, Op.37 (which was done in 1900) or Hayden’s Symphony 83. But we all know that’s unlikely. Not that Schroeder wouldn’t be impressed, though he’s principally a Beethoven fan, he does listen and play other composers. Rather, most of the kids aren’t as likely to listen to classical music (unless on the radio) as he is.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
can’t upbeat Ludwig
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Poor Violet got blindsided!
BobStockton over 4 years ago
I still remember that nursery rhyme. sheesh!
Earnestly Frank over 4 years ago
Hickory dickory dock
Three mice ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The other two escaped with minor injuries
The Joke Explainer Premium Member over 4 years ago
We now have Facebook to achieve the same feelings.
Ralph Newbill over 4 years ago
Anyone besides me to and listen to the Quartet #4?
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
Kiddie Rekords. A fine label.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
Both are fun.
knight1192a over 4 years ago
What’s she have there? If she knew she could claim something older (to be honest I was curious just how far back Three Blind Mice went and didn’t know until now myself). One of the earliest versions of Three Blind Mice is a hundred ninety years older than Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 4 in C minor. 1609 vs 1799. Although the version she she’s got is more likely based more off the nursery rhyme than the original round, which would put it well after his death.
Of course she could still impress him with Joseph Holbrook’s Three Blind Mice, Symphonic variations on an old Enlish air, Op.37 (which was done in 1900) or Hayden’s Symphony 83. But we all know that’s unlikely. Not that Schroeder wouldn’t be impressed, though he’s principally a Beethoven fan, he does listen and play other composers. Rather, most of the kids aren’t as likely to listen to classical music (unless on the radio) as he is.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 4 years ago
You shouldn’t ashamed. That’s a classic nursery rhyme. Beethoven likely sang it as a child. Or his nanny did.