Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 05, 1960
Snoopy is sitting looking at his dog-dish. He thinks, "Well, that's the end of supper for tonight...."<BR><BR> He starts walking. He thinks, "Twenty-four hours from now I'll be eating supper again...."<BR><BR> Snoopy lies atop his doghouse. He thinks, "And then, twenty-four hours after that I'll be eating supper AGAIN!"<BR><BR> He continues, "It's nice to have the security of a well-regulated life!:<BR><BR>
I <3 Peanuts over 7 years ago
yow4zip Premium Member about 4 years ago
markkahler52 about 1 month ago
A rare view into the maw of Snoopy’s doghouse, with Snoopy on the point!!