Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 21, 1963
Charlie Brown says to Lucy, "I'll bet the Caribbean is beautiful this time of year . . . They say the water is deep blue . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy says, "Blue? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Deep blue! Oh, Charlie Brown, you slay me! Why would water be more blue one place than another?"<BR><BR> Lucy continues laughing and says, "Water is water! Ha ha ha ha ha! Boy, you sure get some weird ideas! Ha ha ha ha ha!<BR><BR> Lucy says to Violet, "Hey, you wanna hear what Charlie Brown just said?" Charlie Brown leans his head against a tree and says, "I can't stand it!"<BR><BR>
decimator1337 about 11 years ago
…that sounded perfectly valid to me.
jbruins84341 almost 8 years ago
Let’s hope that Violet knows what CB is talking about. That will make Lucy look like the fool.
NewOrleansSaints over 7 years ago
Here we go again.
ootey over 7 years ago
Let it go Chuck, let it go…
RazorT about 7 years ago
And the sky is green! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
PBSherm about 6 years ago
Beat Lucy up like hell, CB!
JimDerry over 3 years ago
I’d love to pick an older person’s brain on this. In 1963, the Caribbean was a long way away, and expensive to get to. These days, any bubba with a couple hundred bucks and a COVID passport can get a discount flight and just end up there. CB’s statements have to have been exotic in 1963, whereas today I can just google a webcam in the Caribbean somewhere.
yow4zip Premium Member over 1 year ago
Between the devil and the deep blue sea.