Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 05, 1971
Charlie Brown walks on the ice. He is fully bundled up.<BR><BR> "AAUGH!!" Charlie Brown slips and flies into the air.<BR><BR> He wriggles around on his back and declares, "Good grief! I can't get up! I'm trapped like a turtle!"<BR><BR> "I can't move! I'm doomed... I'll have to lie here for the rest of my life!"<BR><BR> Lucy and Patty approach. Lucy says, "And then she told me about this one party they had where they played 'Spin the Bottle'... Everyone sat in a circle with a milk bottle in the middle..."<BR><BR> "Then the person who was 'It' would spin the bottle like this..." Lucy bedns down to demonstrate on Charlie Brown.<BR><BR> They walk away. Lucy says, "Then they's all sit there and wait for the bottle to stop spinning to see who it would point to.." Charlie Brown is not visible; he is spinning too quickly.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown lies on the ice, facing in the opposite direction. He comments, "It sounds like a great game... I wonder who I'm pointing to..."<BR><BR>
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
And they call him wishy washy!