The guys who wished to be Superman and to fly a X-wing are going to be okay. The guy who wished for a wheel barrow full of money is in for a world of pain as he tries to explain to the IRS where the money came from and why he hasn’t paid taxes on it.
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
Don’t look back! No regrets!
kmccjoe1 over 4 years ago
He still made the best choice.
Durak Premium Member over 4 years ago
Steady, boy, steady.
MartinPerry1 over 4 years ago
The guys who wished to be Superman and to fly a X-wing are going to be okay. The guy who wished for a wheel barrow full of money is in for a world of pain as he tries to explain to the IRS where the money came from and why he hasn’t paid taxes on it.
frequency270 over 4 years ago
You still came out ahead, fella.