Petunia & Dre by Allison Garwood for November 28, 2024

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    pigbayou Premium Member 3 days ago

    Thank you.

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    Judeeye Premium Member 3 days ago

    Knowing how we got her is important. Humans often seem incapable of truly progressing. We are a hot mess world wide. Yet today, I will still be grateful for my friends and family. I lost one friend yesterday. Rip Jon. Live, love, and learn while you are a guest on this planet. ❤️

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    Teto85 Premium Member 3 days ago

    We do something similar up here. Truth and Reconciliation Day and MMIW Day and other things.

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    willie_mctell  3 days ago

    Mark Twain was not pleased with the European invasion of the Americas. I’m not either. My dad’s parents’ families came to the US around 1900. My mom’s family was here earlier. She could have joined the DAR but chose not to.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 2 days ago

    It’s very brave to say this. Kudos to Big Al.

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    Conservative Man  2 days ago

    BS on all of this

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    gh787888  about 5 hours ago

    So what is the point to this, now? The political goal of Chief Sitting Bull who lived until 1890, and other Indians of his kind was for the whites to leave and they would ride the plains forever on their horses, living long enough to have children and then die early. Does anyone want that now? The Supreme Court of Brazil recently thought they were doing the native people a big favor by forbidding “interference” with their culture by development, and giving them the right to live lives of starvation and disease forever. I suggest that people of Indian background are like the rest of us, and the best thing that they can do with their lives is to go to college and work at a fine career.

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