Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for December 23, 2016
Marigold: It is the season for I would like to ask you to grant me a holiday wish. Phoebe: Me grant you a wish? Marigold: It is the magic of the season. I wish for you always to remember that we are best friends, and to know that will not change. Phoebe: Okay,but now we're even. Marigold: Then I will have to ask you to stop drinking from my cocoa mug.
codycab about 8 years ago
Sigh…isn’t this a lovely sight? I wanna get comfy and cozy like THAT.
Averagemoe about 8 years ago
Isn’t Marigold’s mug on the floor? And what does that have to to with being even?
Q4horse about 8 years ago
May you all have a joy filled Mid winter festival.
Aerotendo about 8 years ago
Merry Christmas to two best friends :)
DDrazen about 8 years ago
Ew, unicorn backwash!
bigcatbusiness almost 8 years ago
Ask Phoebe another one for Christmas.
dogday Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Yep, all’s fair in love and war but keep your hands off my chocolate!!!
dogday Premium Member almost 8 years ago
This really is a lovely thought: that we have the “magic” of making other people happy. Too bad we don’t use it more often.
BiggerNate91 almost 8 years ago
It’s Christmas Eve Eve!
Stickmaker almost 8 years ago
I wonder if Marigold will ever tell Phoebe that her wish wore off after two days. :-)
ThomasKDye almost 8 years ago
A story beautifully told.