By the way, wouldn’t the other mean girls be as baffled by Dakota talking about goblins as they were about Phoebe talking about a unicorn (or thin mints)?
I’ve gotten that death glare for real. Once from some girl in a grocery store for an unknown reason, then later by a momma mantis that flew at me! Weird.
Sugar Bombs 95 almost 6 years ago
This is the first time I remember the strip directly mentioning Netflix. Wasn’t it called “Movies Online” or something like that previously?
Averagemoe almost 6 years ago
If looks could kill, some people should do the world a favor by looking in a mirror.
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
Why did you invite Phoebe to the popular girls’ table in the first place, Dakota?
codycab almost 6 years ago
These are not popular kids. They’re spoiled brats that Phoebe need to leave.
finkd almost 6 years ago
If ever there was a group that Lord Splendid Humility needed to teach to be humble, this is it.
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 6 years ago
In other words – she can use any other device to watch netflix?
asrialfeeple almost 6 years ago
Yeah, I’m sure greenskinned kids saying “blaart” is normal.
Trond Sätre Premium Member almost 6 years ago
They’re goblins, Dakota. Whatever they say sounds the same to you.
Neo Stryder almost 6 years ago
So goblins are as boring as you?
scyphi26 almost 6 years ago
Annnnnnd there it is, the hiccup that’s going to mess it all up.
Godfreydaniel almost 6 years ago
In Phoebe’s world, thin mints don’t come from Girl Scouts, but from Goblin Scouts………..
Godfreydaniel almost 6 years ago
By the way, wouldn’t the other mean girls be as baffled by Dakota talking about goblins as they were about Phoebe talking about a unicorn (or thin mints)?
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 6 years ago
The big takeaway here is — Marigold likes Thin Mints! (I mean, who doesn’t?)
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Seems to me what Phoebe said was way cooler than what the first girl said. I guess I wouldn’t belong at their table either.
ratton8 almost 6 years ago
If being normal means I don’t get to talk about my unicorn, then being normal is /literally worthless/.
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Fight! fight! fight!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
I’ve gotten that death glare for real. Once from some girl in a grocery store for an unknown reason, then later by a momma mantis that flew at me! Weird.
katherine79campbell almost 6 years ago
Bring back the Goblins, please!
aardvark86au over 5 years ago
What kind of little girls would react negatively to a mention of a real live unicorn?
Wizard4168 over 4 years ago
Now I really want to know what the goblins did to feign normality.
BloodMoonDragon13 almost 4 years ago
I use Netflix… also i dont like thin mints they are weird
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 6 months ago
Let me guess: No unicorn talk at the cool table? :/