Pickles by Brian Crane for May 24, 2014

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    pcolli  over 10 years ago

    Why wouldn’t he, indeed……?

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    ex window inspector  over 10 years ago

    shouldn’t that be “fount”?

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    thirdguy  over 10 years ago

    It would be better for Nelson, if he were the Oracle of Omaha!

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  4. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  over 10 years ago

    Earl’s the cats meow…

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    tunextgeneration  over 10 years ago

    there is a collision course of my hand and my face and there is no hope of stopping them.

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    Thehag  over 10 years ago

    Was going to say “at”. Oracle at Delphi. Then checked and sure enough there are articles with ’of’’ instead of ‘at’ …..sigh…..at least it is still being referenced.

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  7. Little lulu
    patsy62  over 10 years ago

    Very cool Earl…“the font of all knowledge…” except about the Oracle of Delphi. I still love the way they mess with Nelson. A great way to have fun with your grandchildren

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    Number Three  over 10 years ago

    To Nelson… Earl is God.


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  9. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 10 years ago

    The part of an oil lamp what holds the oil is called a “font”, not a fount, so font of all knowledge would be good.

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