Am I the only one who ever turned a collar so himself could get a few more years out of a favorite shirt? That’s when you undo all the stitches around the collar, remove it, turn it over so the worn out side is underneath and sew it back on. I did that, back in the day when we used to mend socks, too.
pelican47 about 11 years ago
Or what size it is…
Plods with ...™ about 11 years ago
WalMart. Those shirts don’t last that long.
ossiningaling about 11 years ago
Or they don’t make it anymore. Trick is, once you realize you are cultivating a favorite shirt, you should but another one!
The Life I Draw Upon about 11 years ago
Made in the USA. :(
unca jim about 11 years ago
After the elbows wear through, time to convert it to a short-sleeve flannel shirt.. Been there, done that.
pcolli about 11 years ago
I’ve got lots of shirts like that and I still wear them.
LuvThemPluggers about 11 years ago
Am I the only one who ever turned a collar so himself could get a few more years out of a favorite shirt? That’s when you undo all the stitches around the collar, remove it, turn it over so the worn out side is underneath and sew it back on. I did that, back in the day when we used to mend socks, too.
unca jim about 11 years ago
Ayup… and Ma did it on an old foot-treadle Singer Sewing machine….. It had a darning egg in one of the storage spaces, too.