My mom didn’t wait for the string to break. She bought them, cut off the ball and string and used them for (ahem) corrective devices. Spare the rod, etc, etc. Everytime I found one, I sneaked it out to the incinerator. Trouble is, they were cheap and plentiful.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Wish I had that kind of competition with my grandfather.
susanwobb over 9 years ago
625 is my record on those things.
nyssawho13 over 9 years ago
We had those as kids and learned to throw them away when the rubber string broke… mom found those paddles useful for other things!
Devils Knight over 9 years ago
how many remember those Klick Klacks the ones on the string that when you used them they just about broke your wrist
LuvThemPluggers over 9 years ago
My mom didn’t wait for the string to break. She bought them, cut off the ball and string and used them for (ahem) corrective devices. Spare the rod, etc, etc. Everytime I found one, I sneaked it out to the incinerator. Trouble is, they were cheap and plentiful.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Hey! Who you calling antique???
Sangelia over 9 years ago
Some places they unfortunately banned those balls on the paddles. Claiming they were too dangerous for kids to play with.