Probably the kid’s first time on the bike. He doesn’t even have his foot on the other pedal. Pretty soon he’ll get comfortable. Then it’ll be, “Again, Grandpa!”
comicsssfanWe called a bicycle with training wheels a tetracycle. When my daughter first decided she no longer wanted a tetracycle, I told her, “If I take them off, they are never going back on.” She thought and decided not yet. A month later, she was ready and never had any problem – even eventually learned to ride a unicycle well enough to ride it in a high school play.
comicsssfanI was recreation director in a parasitic suburb. There was a half hour lull between scheduled activities and after school free play. I would ride around then and a postie just off work would come by. Two men in their 20s dropped by and wanted to learn to ride. I told them walking is leaning forward and putting a foot out to keep from falling, repeat. Riding a unicycle is the same but pedal under to keep from falling. It is easier than a bicycle because there is no frame to tangle up in. I took a ride around to demonstrate. The postie demonstrated riding backwards, staying in place and such. One of the visitors volunteered to give it a try. He did everything short of turning cartwheels on it, a real ringer. Then he handed the unicycle to his friend, “Try it, it’s easy.”
LuvThemPluggers over 8 years ago
The grandkid looks plenty worried!
Baarorso over 8 years ago
Relax kid, once you know how to ride that bike, you’ll be able to savor the freedom it gives you!
I'll fly away over 8 years ago
Did this with my grandson and his trike. Messed up my back for a few days. LOL
brain Les over 8 years ago
A plugger would be huffing and puffing, and looking where to sit down already.
Farside99 over 8 years ago
Probably the kid’s first time on the bike. He doesn’t even have his foot on the other pedal. Pretty soon he’ll get comfortable. Then it’ll be, “Again, Grandpa!”
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
Don’t worry kiddo! Grandpa’s still holding on!
hippogriff over 8 years ago
comicsssfanWe called a bicycle with training wheels a tetracycle. When my daughter first decided she no longer wanted a tetracycle, I told her, “If I take them off, they are never going back on.” She thought and decided not yet. A month later, she was ready and never had any problem – even eventually learned to ride a unicycle well enough to ride it in a high school play.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
comicsssfanI was recreation director in a parasitic suburb. There was a half hour lull between scheduled activities and after school free play. I would ride around then and a postie just off work would come by. Two men in their 20s dropped by and wanted to learn to ride. I told them walking is leaning forward and putting a foot out to keep from falling, repeat. Riding a unicycle is the same but pedal under to keep from falling. It is easier than a bicycle because there is no frame to tangle up in. I took a ride around to demonstrate. The postie demonstrated riding backwards, staying in place and such. One of the visitors volunteered to give it a try. He did everything short of turning cartwheels on it, a real ringer. Then he handed the unicycle to his friend, “Try it, it’s easy.”