Pluggers are old enough to remember what real carbon copies were and the smell of mimeographs but also liable to be the object of a joke about using an eraser or white out on a monitor screen.
A big part of our society seem to forget that if it wasn’t for a lot of these Pluggers they wouldn’t have Computers and the technology that they take for granted. Who do they think Invented,Developed,Designed,and Manufactured these things,etc. I am 63 and repair and build my own desktop PC’s,plus troubleshoot and fix my friends computers. Remember where things came from and be appreciative for what you have. Oh,some of us just don’t care to get so wrapped up and dependent on all the Technology people seem to base their Life’s on. To each their own. You-all Be Safe and Have a Great Day !
I worked in a museum once in which we all got a list of school groups visiting that day. The secretary put the carbon paper in backwards and handed me the mirror reverse copy. I saw what the situation was and turned it upside down and read it out loud at a normal speed. “You’re reading it!” she exclaimed. “Yes, isn’t that why you gave it to me?” After she more or less recovered, I explained I go back to the days of hand-set type printing and we set and read the type that way before printing. Few things more fun than reversing a practical joke.
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
even I’m still trying to figure that out
Zykoic over 5 years ago
cloud copy now
Breadboard over 5 years ago
Xerox this please ;-)
jmcenanly over 5 years ago
It is a holdover from when you had to use carbon paper to make copies for additional people to receive a duplicate letter.
wirepunchr over 5 years ago
I hope she can’t find her white-out to correct mistakes.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 5 years ago
gotta love a plugger when they get in front of a computer
nosirrom over 5 years ago
Pluggers can’t figure out how “Bcc” works either.
david_42 over 5 years ago
Like a stencil duplicator without a crank.
Display over 5 years ago
Pluggers are old enough to remember what real carbon copies were and the smell of mimeographs but also liable to be the object of a joke about using an eraser or white out on a monitor screen.
Space & Kitten over 5 years ago
A big part of our society seem to forget that if it wasn’t for a lot of these Pluggers they wouldn’t have Computers and the technology that they take for granted. Who do they think Invented,Developed,Designed,and Manufactured these things,etc. I am 63 and repair and build my own desktop PC’s,plus troubleshoot and fix my friends computers. Remember where things came from and be appreciative for what you have. Oh,some of us just don’t care to get so wrapped up and dependent on all the Technology people seem to base their Life’s on. To each their own. You-all Be Safe and Have a Great Day !
Hippogriff over 5 years ago
I worked in a museum once in which we all got a list of school groups visiting that day. The secretary put the carbon paper in backwards and handed me the mirror reverse copy. I saw what the situation was and turned it upside down and read it out loud at a normal speed. “You’re reading it!” she exclaimed. “Yes, isn’t that why you gave it to me?” After she more or less recovered, I explained I go back to the days of hand-set type printing and we set and read the type that way before printing. Few things more fun than reversing a practical joke.
gopher gofer over 5 years ago
so, pluggers are basically stone stoopid…?