Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for September 11, 2009
Poo Poo: Tar-Gor smash! Poncho: No, no, Tar-Gor couldn't smash a teacup. At the heart of Tar-Gor is a cute, troubled, little bichon frise named Poo Poo. Poo Poo: Tar-Gor smash!! Poncho: Okay, fine. Here. Here's a teacup. Smash away. Poo Poo: Grr!! Sigh, okay, help me get this stuff off.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Poor Poo Poo, destined to be a purse puppy for eternity. Think of it this way. At least you have a mobile transport device.
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Oop! Classic beginner tar monster’s goof. Should’ve started with a demitasse.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Yeah, the strip is at the end of the week. We don’t have much time to get this tar off!!
alondra over 15 years ago
Just one more day. Hopefully someone has a hose or there’s a lake nearby.
carmy over 15 years ago
I don’t think water will take off the tar. They’ll have to peel it off, then Poo Poo will be free of tar and hairless. Ouch!
pierreandnicole over 15 years ago
I believe that Poo Poo (AKA Tar Gor) got dirty from jumping in a puddle…therefore a good bath should suffice…or…let Droolia stand over him for a few minutes.
AddADadaAdDad over 15 years ago
You gonna wish you’d just channeled Tar Gor, Poo Poo…
cleokaya over 15 years ago
pierreandnicole - The puddle that he jumped into was tar. For the sake of Poo Poo though, one would hope it was just a mud puddle and not really tar.
ColoradoRider over 15 years ago
HighPlainsDrifter over 15 years ago
Tar is flammable. Call PETA, Gilligan’s gonna go with an over the top solution.
tortiequeen over 15 years ago
Poor Poo Poo will have to have a Dawn rubdown to get the sticky tar off. They have a promotional commercial showing waterfowl and wildlife getting the tar/oil off their little fuzzy bodies. I think PooPoo would be an adorable little pink spokesman for Dawn.Dishwashing Detergent. Give him an independent income and get him out of that purse.
Balerick1Talon2 over 15 years ago
tortiequeen you have been reading my thoughts, I should have posted it two days ago when I thought of it. :(
tortiequeen over 15 years ago
well, we lost the Taco Bell dog. time for a replacent. Who better??They don’t want big dogs they are too threatening. Nothing threatening about a pink bow.