Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for March 02, 2017
Chazz: You've got me all freaked out about checking the attic for a maniac.! Carmen: Well, I'm too scared to sleep! How are we going to check it out? You gotta be kidding. Chazz: Give him a chance. Maybe he's got a natural dog instinct to protect the home. Psst, Ponch....... Carmen: What's he doing? Chazz: Trying to start the car.
Templo S.U.D. almost 8 years ago
Argythree almost 8 years ago
Let him go. You’re better off without him.
DennisinSeattle almost 8 years ago
Oh Carmen, you change your hair ribbon when you go to bed!
DennisinSeattle almost 8 years ago
Maybe you could put a few purple cats up there, they might find some roof rats at least.
juicebruce almost 8 years ago
Well if Poncho can sleep why don’t you two sleep ?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Right. Local motel it is then.
Tawanda almost 8 years ago
JennyJenkins over 7 years ago
This week is so funny. I’m laughing every time I’m reading Poncho.
bluegirl285 over 7 years ago
Well, I’ll give it to Poncho, at least he’s doing what pretty much every victim in slasher horror movies do NOT do.
daleandkristen over 7 years ago
YOU IDIOTS…..get in the back seat NOW…Ponch has the right idea!!!!