Egad, FOUR YARDS of thread in the needle? You’ll be hauling the thread in hand-over-hand at every stitch! There is a way to manage, if you are doing running stitch: at each stitch, pull through just enough that you have enough thread to make the next stitch until you feel a slight resistance to pulling through, then draw through the huge loop, adjust the tension so that the thread isn’t loopy and the fabric isn’t puckered, and continue, leaving the majority of the thread in a huge loop to be drawn through later. I use this trick only when basting with large stitches that use the thread up inconveniently fast.
Egad, FOUR YARDS of thread in the needle? You’ll be hauling the thread in hand-over-hand at every stitch! There is a way to manage, if you are doing running stitch: at each stitch, pull through just enough that you have enough thread to make the next stitch until you feel a slight resistance to pulling through, then draw through the huge loop, adjust the tension so that the thread isn’t loopy and the fabric isn’t puckered, and continue, leaving the majority of the thread in a huge loop to be drawn through later. I use this trick only when basting with large stitches that use the thread up inconveniently fast.