Glad I’m seeing this material for the first time. It would have been a great strip to follow through on a much longer time.I’m certain it’s very difficult to do a strip and maintain quality over time. I’ve really enjoyed it, just wish there had been more. Leave ‘em laughing, I guess. It’s like writing a very great novel. If it had gone on .longer it would have been more significant. The premise and the characters…to bs a little…interests me a lot. Thanks.
There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012. It is titled Beauty and the Geek.
Plods with ...™ about 13 years ago
Teena’s lovin this. Me too
sjsczurek about 13 years ago
I still don’t understand why we’re seeing re-runs from years ago. Allison Barrows hasn’t left us, has she?
tigre1 about 13 years ago
Glad I’m seeing this material for the first time. It would have been a great strip to follow through on a much longer time.I’m certain it’s very difficult to do a strip and maintain quality over time. I’ve really enjoyed it, just wish there had been more. Leave ‘em laughing, I guess. It’s like writing a very great novel. If it had gone on .longer it would have been more significant. The premise and the characters…to bs a little…interests me a lot. Thanks.
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
Sugar. Oh honey, honey. You are my Candy girl …
gimmickgenius about 13 years ago
At least Teena goes with the original Helen Mirren version of the character!
jppjr about 13 years ago
Gotta love the cordless phone with an antenna!!
ptalive23 about 13 years ago
There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012. It is titled Beauty and the Geek.