PreTeena by Allison Barrows for February 25, 2012

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    TheSoundDefense  almost 13 years ago

    she’s pro-Christmas, but very anti-lawsuit. See the strip from one or two days ago.

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    cdward  almost 13 years ago

    This has been a dumb plot line. I went to last year’s concert in our town school, and they sang – yikes – Christmas songs. But where on earthy did Allison ever get the idea that Christmas pageants were part of a school curriculum or even an appropriate education? That’s what Sunday School is for.

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    nuqjatlh  almost 13 years ago

    It depends on your age and geography. Christmas plays were always done in my schools. But with the onset of everyone trying to be politically correct and non-offensive, it has been almost wiped out.

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    Bernard Epperson Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    yes, we used to have a wonderful Christmas concert at our high school every year. The place was always packed and the whole town loved it. Then one person from outside the town found out about it and complained, and now we can’t have it any more.

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    sjsczurek  almost 13 years ago

    YAAAAAAYYY KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    sjsczurek  almost 13 years ago

    Like the waiter said, they’ll be joining her later. And I doubt that any kid would pass up on a treat to pizza. Not even for Santa’s fly-by.

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    dblad  almost 13 years ago

    Isn’t she there because the plan was for the kids to come to George’s for pizza? And isn’t the reason she’s surprised to see no kids that they didn’t tell her they were going to do something else first? It’s pretty clear that the real question isn’t “why is she there?” but rather “why didn’t the kids let her know of the alternative plan?”

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    davesuff  almost 13 years ago

    To all those who are offended by the plot line, please – by all means – DON’T READ IT!!!! To do so and to focus so negatively on it could ruin it for those of us who enjoy it. After all, your freedom of speech is contingent upon it NOT infringing upon OTHERS freedom of speech. Or didn’t you ever hear that part? You are free to voice your opinions so long as it doesn’t infringe upon Allison’s freedom to express her thoughts. Or upon our right to read the plot line and to express our thoughts.

    To Allison – BRAVO!

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