I would, but I’m an old opera queen who went to school in Florence and did a term paper on Beaumarchais.
I also have volumes of Krazy Kat!
… but as demographics go I’m pretty idiodemic.
Sadly, this is why you’ll never be as popular as Garfield, Pab. Your strip challenges and appeals to the intellect. “Nobody lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” (P T Barnum?) This explains why Jim Davis is rolling in it and your appeal is more exclusive to the cognoscenti. Alas, we’re an appreciative audience, but a lousy market.
sigh…. pâté à choux, so called because it takes the shape of a cabbage, but it’s puff pastry… basically what will become a cream puff once it’s baked and stuffed wtih cream, or an éclair if you shape it, stuff it with cream and top it with chocolate icing.
given what the two parties were offering he was the best we could get…. not that that’s nearly good enough.