I adore babies! Their minds are absorbing everything every minute!! My toddlers wore me out, particularly my daughter who talked constantly. Turned out she’s ADD. Brilliant, beautiful and ADD. (I need a nap.)
OMG!!!!! It’s a COMIC STRIP - a RECYCLED COMIC STRIP!!!! One woman’s fictionalized, four-panel snapshot of her life over 2 decades ago!!!!! It’s meant to briefly entertain, not cause a discussion worthy of English Lit 101, let alone name-calling and inter-personal bashing!! There are plenty of REAL issues to debate other places on the ‘net!!! Go find them!
LibrarianinTraining - The networks DID refuse to carry the ads from the United Church of Christ. The ones that said that everyone is welcome in church. Too radical a concept for broadcast tv.
I adore babies! Their minds are absorbing everything every minute!! My toddlers wore me out, particularly my daughter who talked constantly. Turned out she’s ADD. Brilliant, beautiful and ADD. (I need a nap.)