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  1. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Hmm…I have noticed thecomicreviewer must be a closet gay person. Seems like every review by this person is anti-gay. I guess gay is taking up 95% of his/her thinking. Sad…

  2. over 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Interesting argument that homosexuality is a choice. Does the argument include being straight is a choice? Or will you say..duh! It is NOT a choice to be straight. It is natural. Did you choose to be straight? Did you choose to have your hair blond or brown or black or white? Did you choose to have your hair straight or curly? Did you choose to be black or white? Did you choose to be tall or short? Did you choose to be dumb or smart? These are all in our gene. What would you say to your child who come to you and say, “Mom/Dad…I am gay.” Will your answer be, “Bah humbug son/daughter…it is a CHOICE! CHANGE!! YOU CAN NOT LOVE THAT PERSON!!”? Why would a person choose to be gay and have to live with people like you who are judgmental and discriminating and mean and rude? You must think it is ok for men and women to sleep around with each other, get married and have a HIGH divorce rate and it is not okay for gay people to be together. A choice? I think not. Hopefully, you don’t have a gay relative and tell them about your posting.

  3. over 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I personally think grandpa has died already. The second panel looks very much like grandpa and grandma are together and watching Elizabeth getting married. He made it in spirit with his first wife.