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Grandytoon Free

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  1. about 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Dear Lynn,

    As others have written, thanks more than I can say.

    The Pattersons have struck home so many times. So often I am brought to tears of sadness or joy. There have been so many parallels in our lives and the Pattersons - our two older children growing up so close in age, then our “surprise” darling and now we are at the stage of Iris and Jim with my DH very ill. Yes we had pet rabbits and doggies, one who is now 16.

    Two years ago, I was blessed to spend 6 weeks with my folks leading up to my dad’s passing in his sleep at home at age 90 after 70 years of marriage to my spunky Canadian, turned US citizen, mom. During those days your column brought strength and comfort to me.

    For well over a decade, since your column first appeared in our local, my youngest darling and I have faithfully read your column. It took us through her teen years, wedding, her husband’s work on his PhD, on into motherhood. You opened the door for many conversations for us during those “difficult teen years.”

    Then, when we moved to a community where FBOFW was not in the paper, my “April” set me up to read it online which I have done for the past 6+ years.

    I have bought one of your books for “April” and we read and reread those early comics with such pleasure.

    I’m a retired teacher and know you DESERVE retirement, too. Enjoy living before your days as “Iris” approach. Life is for living, for better or for worse, and my kitchen motto reminds me, “Life is what you make it.”

    God speed on you, dear Lynn.