youtu . be / 9bGuG2RTEGY
Bleeb is in blue, at the bottom of the panel.
There is a towing outfit in Seattle that had a pair of toe trucks, left foot and right foot. It’s been ages since I was by there, don’t know if they still have them.
That’s why he was called the Motor City Madman. :-)
Ted the Mechanic.
I did, until I retired. Developmental Center. Looks like you live in Covington?
I don’t want the paper, but I subscribe to the online version and Sunday print, in order to support the paper.
I’ve heard “shut the door”, and my wife says “get out of town”, but I’ve not heard the “front door” variety.
If only the Israelis would stop building settlements in occupied territory, and stop arresting and holding people without charges.
Also, nntp/Usenet.
youtu . be / 9bGuG2RTEGY