This comic is odd - water bottles that no one can open (no thumb or fingers) and sewing bag out of nowhere. This comic made no sense but I think I’ll keep read it to see how odder can it get.
I have not got a Kit Kat that was waferless. I think I saw mini bigfoot’s feet prints in the wood near my home. Could that actually Kit Kat Waferless wandered around???
I think it take both men and women to run the world.
gmartin997 - if you ever bother to check the histories, you will find that some women do solved the problems. There will be more women solve the problems along with the men present and future.
Maybe they are twins but what if they are not? They could be actually are one person with two faces. Sweet to your face but backstab when you turn back to them. Hmm.
That depends - what did you filling it with?