peace must start somewhere. If the Israelis would not have allowed Incursions on lands that were Palestinian’s land to begin with, (West bank, Gaza, etc. ), it would not have stopped the conflict immediately, but it would have made war with Israel seem less necessary when lives lost out-weighed danger to either sides threat to loss of territory.
I once took a philosophy course. One of the best things I learned was that one of the great Greek thinkers said, “Your rights end where they infringe on mine”. I may be paraphrasing, but I hope most can understand.
I am Hungarian-American, I to hope Hungarians will come to realize how difficult life was under a recent, and, thank and God, now almost gone (communist), authoritarian government. They must reject the ghouls now, (mis)leading them.
Yep, same old game of I’ll hold your coats while you and him fight.