I found that I was losing my fine motor functions in my hands and developing tremors. Bought a diary and fountain pen and began making daily notes in cursive. That was five years ago and have seemed to maintain control in my hands. Didn’t get rid of the tremors, but the doc says that was probably hereditary.
Reading on the Groton Ct. FB page that there have been reports of a drone(s?) hoovering over the sub base there. Probably not much to see there, but then there is Electric Boat which is not that far down river.
Yes, but then the same goes for here too! Took me 9 months to see an eye specialist and had some other tests canceled because they couldn’t fit me in. If I had a lot of money, I could have shortened these, but then so can a Canadian.
To add to this, the US produces more natural gas than it consumes, thus we are exporting about 4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas a year. If we had more drilling, we would only reduce our reserves faster and the rest of the world would reduce their production to keep prices where they are at, and we would pay dearly when our reserves start running out.
So would TJ and Bernice make a great couple?