Gweedo/Roger: Technically yes AIDS came from monkeys but before humans were around millions of years ago. As each new species evolved it got its own AIDS virus. These different AIDS changed and evolved with the species and cant be spread among other species. Supposedly ours became a outbreak because it most likely came from village hidden to most normal society. Well someone went into the village and came out with it maybe 400-300(maybe farther back) years ago and it spread slowly then got faster(as weve been seeing). Recently no it didnt come from monkeys.
Forgot the class i learned this in last year but its a summary of what we learned.
I got to ask the french foriegn exchange kid if this is how he feels. Wonder if he will get what im saying or think im totally crazy (he only speaks OK english)
What? No one thinks of Calvin & Hobbes in this comic? First thing i saw. Haha Cylinder not box but hey! W/e gets you there.