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  1. over 14 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    “The pot calling the kettle black” Republicans left Obama 1.1 trillion budget deficit, they doubled the national debt in eight years even though when they took over in 2001 it had a budget surplus… 180 billion taxpayers money was given to AIG by Republicans not Democrats.. Somehow Republicans have a short memory..

  2. almost 15 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    His cartoons are sooo booooring..

    Always the same subject. Over and over..

    How stupid Democrat Barack Hussein Obama , Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank are while Republicans are such a smart bunch..

  3. over 15 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    How else you would effectively convey your massage to a born-again Christian President Bush?

    Too bad other Editorial Cartoonists besides Danziger did not bring forward this important point

    Thanks Jeff

  4. almost 16 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Each time I check Glenn’s editorial cartoons I wonder how he would treat Obama if he was NOT multiracial? I was especially amazed to see his “The Obama Cabinet” cartoon.. What a racist garbage! http://www.gocomics.com/glennmccoy/2008/10/10

    Judge for yourself

  5. almost 16 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Each time I check Glenn’s editorial cartoons, I wonder how he would treat Obama if he was NOT multiracial? I was especially amazed to see his “The Obama Cabinet” cartoon.. What a racist garbage! http://www.gocomics.com/glennmccoy/2008/10/10

    Judge for yourself