Similar to ladykat, we usually name our in the Navajo way – either by their appearance (Crumpled Ear Cat, shortened to Crump, for a stray who’s had such bad ear mites for so long his ears collapsed) or attitude (ours was Pyewhacky ‘cuz she’s whack you as soon as look at you).
I had one do a leap & pull the tree down on top of herself. She never bother a tree again & she’s the only one in all my (lots) of years who bothered the tree.
Similar to ladykat, we usually name our in the Navajo way – either by their appearance (Crumpled Ear Cat, shortened to Crump, for a stray who’s had such bad ear mites for so long his ears collapsed) or attitude (ours was Pyewhacky ‘cuz she’s whack you as soon as look at you).