Hating on cyclists is an American tradition. It’s easy because they look silly, some of them are rather extreme, but mostly because they are defenseless against drives in cars. But this is what happens as the end-game of that hate attitude:
Enabling and reinforcing that hatred and derision, leads to normalization of violence and acceptance of sloppy careless driving, and it’s not a good look for PBS. Just read your comments from drivers.
Good for you. It’s not your fault you’re oblivious. Other people should definitely get out fo your way rather than you do anything to make sure you’re driving safely. And fortunately, you have a lot of people reaffirming your right to do whatever you want. Yay! Go tell mommy her little boy done good. She’ll be so proud.
Cats are not just carnivores, they are obligate carnivores, meaning they have to eat meat to survive. Feed a cat a strictly vegetarian diet and it will die (they can’t synthesize one of the essential amino acids, taurine, I think). Dogs and humans, in contrast, can survive just fine on a vegetarian diet.
Everyone talks a big booby game, but we’ll see what happens