Its mostly dimocrtas that don’t like iy. That’s how you know we need it.Look at almost any color map of the US and you’ll see its mostly red, with the exeception of the coasts and a few high population centers.Allowing them to select the president would be a crime against the rest of the country.EVERYBODY should count, not just high population centers.
Funny how libs want to get rid of the electoral college, all the while screaming about how (somehow) republicans turned the election into a popularity contest with “populist” candidates (unlike michelle obama or opra winfry…).
OMG! Such delusion!Voting to defund the cops?! Voting in radical DAs?! Voting to decriminalize drugs?! Kalifornia/Oregon are the lands of “voting against you own interest”, and they not conservatives!
It’s really a gas bubble in your stomach. Get that gas out either by forcinga (deep) burp, or eating something, even just a couple bites of bread.