My last move, the queen box spring would not fit up the stairs. Fortunately, I have casement windows that are 80 inches tall. And an extension ladder. And the movers had straps. Yes, I gave the movers a very good tip.
I had a problem with flying a**holes building their nests in my storage shed, got stung a few times, so I kept a can of wasp spray right inside the door. One day, I opened to door and discovered they had built a nest on the can. Yep, it was the equivalent of getting the middle finger, if wasps had middle fingers…
I had major problems understanding the Pythagorean theorem when I was in 5th/6th grade. Then one day it just kind of clicked: don’t worry about why it works, just know that it works and accept it. That approach has solved a lot of problems later in life.
My last move, the queen box spring would not fit up the stairs. Fortunately, I have casement windows that are 80 inches tall. And an extension ladder. And the movers had straps. Yes, I gave the movers a very good tip.