Simply untrue. The benefit of capitalism is that it works for both employers and employees. Employees make what they are worth or they move to a place that will pay them what they are worth. And good employees will be hired, even if they had some past disaster or issue. The idea that an employer has some obligation to pay folks who can no longer provide value is just ludicrous. All you bleeding hearts that believe they should, well nothing is stopping you from pooling your money and making that company.
Ah, you, weirdly, believe that guns are only used to defend against other guns. That’s not the case. Guns are great because they can equalize fights. That 90 pound woman can never defeat the 3 teenaged muggers without using a gun. Nor can the 75 year old widower. Again, the number of BAD gun killings each year in the USA is only about 1600, and that’s not really all that bad in a nation of 345+ million people. And the “scary” guns you worry about are not even involved in most of those killings. I’ll gladly take the many thousands of lives that are saved each year at the cost of those few killings. I also like the FEAR it puts into criminals that deters plenty of crime. Something that absolutely doesn’t happen in the nations where the people are just subjects of the government and not citizens like in the USA. Citizens can be armed… subjects cannot.
Good. We are terrifying because we do have so many folks that support liberty. I get it. Liberty is very terrifying to many folks as then they would be responsible for their position in life and they just cannot handle that.
Defensive Gun Use statistics prove that guns save more US lives, each year, in the USA than they take. And that is including gun suicides which is the vast majority of gun deaths. There are over 300,000,000 guns in the US. And 5 times more deaths by stabbing than by rifles.More people are beaten to death than killed by “Assault Weapons".We have more guns in our country than any other country. And we rate 28th in gun deaths.Handguns are the guns used for over 80% of mass shootings.Between 1993 and 2003 gun ownership went up 56% while gun violence went down by half.In 2015 95% of all mass shootings happened in gun free zones.All six states that banned open carry between 2013–2015 experience higher police fatalities due to firearms.On average, the people who have concealed carry permits, commit less crime than police do.The Swiss have 2 million guns for 8 million people and have little restriction on firearms. Their gun deaths per year is almost 0.Kleck and the CDC both proved that there are 1 million to 3 million Defensive gun uses per year. The DGU value is way more valuable than the 1600 bad deaths.Now, if you just do the math. Let’s assume the low end of 1 million DGU’s a year. And let’s divide in half the 1 in 6 DGU uses is saving lives AND assume only a single life saved in each DGU instance… well that still leaves us with 83333 lives saved by guns each year. Well over 2x the total gun deaths each year from ALL causes. And if we used the higher DGU numbers and admit that in some of those cases we would see multiple lives saved, you start getting up to near 500000 lives saved, each year, by guns in the USA. That is well over 10 people saved for every death by guns each year. But even the demonstrable 2 people saved for each death is still proof guns, in the hands of citizens, are a huge benefit to the USA.
Thankfully there are lots of Americans who care about maintaining our liberty, and the number one guarantor of that liberty… guns in the hands of citizens.
Inflation is driven mostly by government printing money. We see that mostly with the Democrats and we saw that with Bidenomics. We did not see that with Trump.
Look at the Democrat vote totals over the past several elections. How did 20 million more people just vote for Biden in 2020? Where did they come from? Where did they go? (Because you cannot tell me that 1/4th of all the Democrats just magically lost their TDS between 2020 and now.)
Yeah, some Americans still voted for Democrats, but at least we have non-slop back at POTUS now, and non-slop running the Senate (and likely all of Congress.)
It, almost certainly, will cause inflation. BUT, it will also either force China, and Europe to stop with the acts that impede fair trade, OR it will lead to the return of manufacturing and that labor value inside the USA. That’s long term victory over short term pain.
Simply untrue. The benefit of capitalism is that it works for both employers and employees. Employees make what they are worth or they move to a place that will pay them what they are worth. And good employees will be hired, even if they had some past disaster or issue. The idea that an employer has some obligation to pay folks who can no longer provide value is just ludicrous. All you bleeding hearts that believe they should, well nothing is stopping you from pooling your money and making that company.