You are harassing and abusing these poor cartoonists and you should have the decency to stop. But it’s been nine months and you still go on. What’s wrong with me? I don’t complain about a comic not living up to my expectations every day for nine months. You’re a sociopath.
No you don’t. You have the right to be civil. and if you don’t like so something say so and move on. Don’t post up in a comments section for NINE MONTHS ///day after day criticize something you don’t like. Who does that? What kind of human being? Do you eat at restaurants you don’t like? Do you leave a review every day? Would you talk to a stranger like this?
This free product keeps disappointing me, but I keep reading because I deserve more for my money. And I have nothing better to do than come back EVERY DAY `and complain. And I wait up at night so I can be the first commenter and challenge anyone who disagrees with me because everything was better when I was younger. K
what a surprise, Evangelicals are hypocrites