So only the dad is real and everything else is his guilt driven insane hallucinations?
Following regional pronunciation?
I wonder if this is the cast of characters who will appear in future strips?
Suffering Succotash
Minimal baseball knowledge required. It is a GOOD strip.
He already did. No job is over until the paperwork is done.
and with my bare feet while standing on my hands
Once the fat is on the first time it is almost impossible to permanently remove it. Yes, great effort and diet may work for a while, but is comes back for the vast majority of people. And no system provides those results in one month.
I know it is a comic universe, but how do you get a sunset over the ocean on the east coast?
Harry more likely has a problem with ethanol than one needing a tin foil hat.
So only the dad is real and everything else is his guilt driven insane hallucinations?