i normally like what you produce, you usually give me a laugh or 2 BUT today, you are being intensive to those who were on the flight and their Families of those on this flight that crashed in San Fransisco. Did you know another passenger passed away this morning ? i am sure this was written sometime ago but, are there not editors or people who’s job it is to proof your work before it goes out for the printed document?
Okay, what is going on ? Why can’t we see our comics today?Is this an attempt to get those of us who do not pay a fee to open an account to be charged?
This is how I feel about State and Federal Government, they just do not care about those of us who VOTED them into office. I am glad to say I did NOT vote the current administration into the white house!
I am disabled, my husband is retired and we will be paying state and federal taxes until the day we die. Did you know you have to pay taxes on social security and military retirement income? Never mind paying for health care out of that. Nothing like trying to live on a FIXED income and pay taxes and health care.
the current administration serious? about what? Oh yeah, making me the disabled, retired and military retired pay taxes on our all ready taxed income to pay for his pizzas he had flown in to DC.
nah, time to bring back corporeal punishment and take away all of their luxuries. don’t forget to remove all cell phone and land lines so they can’t call child protective services or the police.
i normally like what you produce, you usually give me a laugh or 2 BUT today, you are being intensive to those who were on the flight and their Families of those on this flight that crashed in San Fransisco. Did you know another passenger passed away this morning ? i am sure this was written sometime ago but, are there not editors or people who’s job it is to proof your work before it goes out for the printed document?