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Thomas Elliot Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. over 1 year ago on Mike Luckovich

    He would also take their candy.

  2. over 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Nice shout out to the WaPo editorial cartoonist.

  3. over 6 years ago on Nick Anderson

    Wow, a lot of ignorance in that comic and in many comments. (lava isn’t 3000 degrees for one) I’ll never understand the need of so many people to badmouth those going through a personal crisis. I guess it makes you all feel superior but remember what you are doing the next time a natural disaster, that happens regularly where you live (no place is immune), strikes you down. Then you can stand in front of a mirror and mock yourself.

  4. almost 11 years ago on Bound and Gagged

    The creationists will love that one.

  5. almost 12 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Mr. Guess, a typical conservative suffering from intellecticide.

    Well, Obamacare doesn’t cut SS Medicare and Medicaid, it enhances them. Plus the medicare “cuts” you refer to are the cuts he made to the wingnut corporate welfare known as Medicare advantage which was designed to siphon off government medicare funds from the medicare fund and pay them to corporations as profit for providing “options”. Cutting that saves billions and actually increases medicare coverage rather than decreasing it . Added savings and increased benefits (in the same plan) come from finally allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices, which saves more billions. Wingnuts put in their “reform” in 2004 a lovely little line which allows Big Pharma to charge medicare anything they want for drugs and there was nothing medicare could do about it.

    But anyway, Guess, thanks for providing an example of what it means to be a victim of intellecticide.

    My beef with the cartoon is that he doesn’t really mean rationale, he either means rationality or rational thought. Creating rationales to support their intellectually bankrupt policies and ideology is all the GOP has left, and they are doing that rather badly.

  6. over 13 years ago on Nick Anderson

    Sorry Nick but the Republican cannon is about the right size while the Democratic cannon is far too large and they are afraid to load it. It is not a standoff between equally intransigent parties but one party giving in to just about every demand and the other party demanding more and more.