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  1. over 15 years ago on ViewsAmerica

    The problem with Middle East peace is that Israel was stupid enough to give a sworn enemy land within its borders. How long would any Native American tribe last in the US if they began the same terrorist actions as Palestinians do now? And what president wouldn’t send troops on to a reservation for bombings in NYC, even though the bombings might be the actions of a few? You can say it isn’t Palestinians as a whole, but I notice there aren’t a lot of them turning in the locations of terrorists living among them. Inaction makes you as guilty as action.

  2. over 15 years ago on ViewsMidEast

    Two quick questions, if the Vatican wants to be friendly with Israel. First is why not simply apologize for helping many Nazi’s flee to South America at the end of WW2? Second is why not excommunicate Hitler when so many protestants who didn’t kill anyone have been? I’m not talking about the new pope on a personal level, but to the Vatican as a whole. The College cares nothing about peace in the Middle East but its own personal power. If they really cared about peace, there would be a cardinal at every conflict trying to resolve it.

  3. over 15 years ago on Shoe

    Well there might be a bunch of pigs in Washington, but we’re the pig farmers that put them there.

  4. over 15 years ago on Nick Anderson

    Is this really why people are running from the Republicans? I mean Rush has been around for a long time, hasn’t he? Cheney has had 8 years of … well, not independence but he had a podium lets say. Or is it just our political system in general? It was interesting that people didn’t run from the Democrats after the said they would get us out of the war and we are still there. Now they have the presidency and we are still there. When the president’s four years, or eight, are done, and he can’t fix everything that is wrong in the time he has (no one can), will people be running in circles, disgusted with both parties? Hey, Nick! Could you make a cartoon of Bush’s White house with a bunch of tombstones from the war in front of it, him looking from the window. Then have same pictures with Obama looking out and tombstones already growing in his White House’s front yard?