No arguments there, but why would Phil be working at a blood drive being held at a place of business or anywhere else?
Oh I know, G&K will undoubtedly come up with a ridiculous reason for him to be there, so Bern can meet him/develop a crush on him, and think she’s in competition with Luann over him, just like she think’s she’s in competition with Luann over Jack. She’s not. Luann and Jack are just friends, and Jack has no romantic interest in Bernice, except in her overheated delusions.
Since Phil works in a nursing home, there would be no guarantee of Bernice meeting Phil if/when she went to donate blood. Blood donations are not usually done at nursing homes, to my knowledge.
Of course I’m sure G&K will come up with some ridiculous, convoluted scenario where Phil just happens to be working at the local hospital, blood bank, whatever, where blood donations are given, AND———-Phil will just happen to be on duty at the time. Lame!
Well Frank, if you ever need a kidney, you also have a son you know. Although just because they’re your children, doesn’t mean they’ll be a viable match.
“….and not jump to conclusions?”
Because then she wouldn’t get any exercise at all.