The comic references Sandy Irvine, who was with George Mallory (the “because it’s there” guy) on the 1924 attempt to summit Mt. Everest. There is speculation and some circumstantial evidence that one or both of them succeeded (which would have beaten Edmund Hillary by nearly forty years) but since neither made it down the mountain alive there is no definitive proof. Mallory’s remains were found in 1999.
In Martin Gardner’s wonderful book The Annotated Alice, he notes that this painting was very likely John Tenniel’s inspiration for his illustrations of the Duchess.
I asked that very question as a kid and was told the exact same thing. Did you drive a bus for Lake Worth Christian High School in the early Eighties? (-:
This is convoluted, so stay with me here: This comic reminds me of the time Heracles, who was tasked with obtaining some Golden Apples as one of his Twelve Labors, offered to hold up the sky for Atlas so Atlas could retrieve the apples for him (his daughters, the Hesperides, tended the Garden). Naturally Atlas was in no hurry to take the sky back afterward, so Heracles asked him to take it back just long enough for him to put a pad underneath to make it more comfortable; Atlas did so, and Heracles said, “So long, sucker!” and booked it. So I wonder if Sisyphus is actually gonna come back. Anyway, the Pleiades are also daughters of Atlas.
1: Sluggo is looking heart-eyed at a blonde girl, and Nancy thinks furiously, “Sluggo, I’ve had it! We’ve been in a situationship forever, but every few years you want to ask out some new character!”2: Nancy puts one hand on her hip as she continues, “Which causes ME to become very jealous, insecure, and hate her.”3: Nancy rubs her hands together in satisfaction: “Well, not THIS time, buddy!”4: Nancy calls out to the blonde as she runs after her, “Hey, Maggie! Wait up, let’s be friends!” leaving Sluggo to exclaim, “What?!”
The comic references Sandy Irvine, who was with George Mallory (the “because it’s there” guy) on the 1924 attempt to summit Mt. Everest. There is speculation and some circumstantial evidence that one or both of them succeeded (which would have beaten Edmund Hillary by nearly forty years) but since neither made it down the mountain alive there is no definitive proof. Mallory’s remains were found in 1999.