Every so often, I go through the whole archive a few strips at a time. It can take me as long as a month to get all the way through, and I always love it.
You’re reading an American comic strip, written by an American, set in America, featuring American characters, and you’re complaining that it mentions American elections?
I voted for one Republican, for judge. He’s a former public defender, and has a good record, whereas the guy running against him got a zero-confidence vote from the local bar (and I think is hoping people will mistake him for his father, who is still a schmuck, but a more competent one). Otherwise, straight blue.
Why should she? He’s part of the family, now; they’re his nephews and niece, too. He knew she was a package deal when he married her, and he’s helped watch the little ones before.
My 11-year-old daughter invited a boy to go see Captain Marvel with us. The cutest part is watching my husband try not to hyperventilate.