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  1. about 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    gee, I wonder who he’s talking to … “J” and “B” …. hmmmm …. :)

  2. about 15 years ago on Prickly City


    True enough, if you concede that the speaker’s failures don’t invalidate the ideals.

    I’d say well over 50% of the people who revel in the “hypocrisy” do so to denigrate the values.

    In doing so, they demonstrate their own hypocrisy - who among them can truthfully say they live to their particular ideals 100% of the time?

    The accusation of hypocrisy is ironic, given the person making it is always a hypocrite.

    As far as a Mark Sanford is concerned (for example) - what’s happening to him now is an example of the consequences of abandoning the ideals, not evidence that they are false.