The comments on this week’s Sunday WofId merely prove the point made by the strip. The sides have been drawn so starkly that no one convinces anyone in the other camp.
My wife probably knows better than to call any of my cooking “evocative,” because I would almost certainly ask the followup question, “evocative of what?” (As freelancers in the publishing field, we deal with words a lot!)
The hype may have been in some quarters. The sources I read said clearly that it was a big unknown how much of it would get blown away by the sun while it was out of sight, but that was a real possibility for a sungrazer.
Those who claim prices will be rounded up rather than down are not thinking it through properly. Most prices are not made to an exact dollar, but rather priced in a way to trick people into thinking that they are getting it for a dollar less than they really are. That is, an item is priced for (say) $2.98, and people say “Oh, that’s just $2,” rather than what it is, to all intents and purposes, namely $3. Do away with pennies, and the retailers will start pricing $3 items as $2.95 rather than $2.98.
They really should have saved the item about CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien one day more for the anniversary of Lewis’s death, but I suppose it would have gotten lost in all the talk about that other death on Nov 22, 1963.
I think every country that commemorates Armistice Day has renamed the commemoration. In the US, it got changed to “Veteran’s Day.” For most or all of the British Commonwealth (including countries no longer in that commonwealth), it is “Remembrance Day.”
The comments on this week’s Sunday WofId merely prove the point made by the strip. The sides have been drawn so starkly that no one convinces anyone in the other camp.