While there are lots of men who deliberately practice self-control, and do not unwantedly touch or leer at a scantily clad female, there are others who deliberately choose not to have self-control, and allow nature to take its course. These may have enough self-control not to touch, but they will look as hard as they want. So far, there isn’t a law against a male looking at a scantily clad woman, and just as it isn’t against the law (to an extent) to say whatever you want due to the allowance of free speech, there should always be a “freedom to stare”. We shouldn’t legislate morality. A person should have the choice to look as hard as they want at anything. That’s their thing. I think you should have the right to be a “un-gentlemanly” as you want, as long as you don’t touch.
Too much black and white, not enough gray. Both hypotheses obtain depending on the offender. Scantily clad women attract attention to themselves, as they are, in a sense, “advertising” their bodies to anyone in the vicinity. It is their right, of course, but they should be aware of human (particularly male) nature and instinct. Women get “eye-raped” all the time, every day. Scantily clad women simply make themselves an easier target.
And you, sir (nice to meet you, so to speak) should know, being a native and using that to cause art to reflect life.