Flashforward to 2013 and all the kids are sitting at the dinner table with independent electronic gadgets and the parents don’t have any problem with this at all because they are busy “being social” by sharing the same table while they each play with their own little electronic gadgets.
Danae needs a teacher to explain that the Bill of Rights does not grant people rights but protects those identified natural rights from government intrusion and interference.
Neh. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is not to grant rights to the citizenry but to protect those identified natural rights from the interference and intrusion of government.
Anyone who doesn’t understand why they are tense does not have children of his own. As much as we love them, there are times when being a parent is rather like being pecked to death very slowly. It makes us crabby. (I haven’t read a paragraph in a novel without interruption for ten years. I was interrupted three times before finishing this parenthetical aside.)
So we watch and wait because some day there will be the easily embarrassed teenager and revenge is sweeeet.
Flashforward to 2013 and all the kids are sitting at the dinner table with independent electronic gadgets and the parents don’t have any problem with this at all because they are busy “being social” by sharing the same table while they each play with their own little electronic gadgets.