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David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace Free

Mechanical Engineering graduate, former field engineer SWS, former Petroleum Engineer Texaco, former Central Water Works, Inc former President, teacher-briefly, former Bus Operator, former Dispatcher (until 29 August 2024), former MENSA, going downhill, 2 children, 1 wife, 6 grandchildren, major flaw: excessive humility--or silly sense of humor, live in Bluff Springs, Florida--relatively sane by Florida standards, everybody loves me (although most ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to admit it), AB- blood if you need some

Recent Comments

  1. about 14 hours ago on Pickles

    “….which was fine since I like red marker ink.”

  2. about 14 hours ago on Luann

    It’s a non-optional social convention.

  3. about 14 hours ago on Baby Blues

    As I recall Holiday Inn went through a number of holidays.

  4. about 14 hours ago on Baby Blues

    A saving grace if ever there will be one.

  5. about 14 hours ago on Baby Blues

    Stomping down Tokyo gracefully.

  6. about 14 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “Who does Trump have?”

    Vance…uh. I see your point.

  7. about 15 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “we have to live with whoever becomes President & quit b1ching or hating everyone who don’t agree with who we voted for"*

    Nah. Maybe we SHOULD quit but we don’t HAVE to.

  8. about 16 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “I didn’t think there was an age limit for presidential candidates in the US.”

    There are Constitutional requirements and restrictions and there are personal requirements and restrictions. When Biden spoke some nonsense nearly as bad as Donald on a good day, many were afraid Biden might lose and some convinced him to withdraw.

  9. about 16 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “Why did so many voters vote for the guy?”

    I agree it is a question to be asked. Decent people voted to return a known criminal who hates those who don’t support him and his silly threats to power over them and us.

  10. about 16 hours ago on Luann


    ’Lefties spewing dishonest, disgusting revisionist history really shouldn’t ever surprise me"

    Regardless, Puritans HAD freedom of religion in the Netherlands and were unhappy with the freely permitted religious practices of others.

    (During one of the religious wars, everyone in an area in the Netherlands was declared by the Catholic contingent to be “Baptist witches” and worthy of torture and burning. There was some definite lack of love-thy-neighbor-as-thyself going on.)