Amateur Radio Operator from Washington State.
It serves as a lint trap for the shirt.
Yes . . Brutus is just helping the Doc pay for that and his golf cart, Airplane & vacations..
Yes…they’re really neat when they are all grouped together in a line.
Perhaps he’s rushing off to slice off his other ear.
Reminded me of the first line in that Neil Diamond tune, “Forever In Blue Jeans”.
Has she considered adding on a dark room, enlarger, and some chemicals & trays ?
Sounds like Earl may have switched to Absorbine Jr. pro.
I guess that’s one way to make the comedy stick !
Maybe a fencing mask & some mink gloves would help.
I think we’ve all been there once or twice when we were younger…..Ooops I let my mind slip in the gutter… Sorry.
It serves as a lint trap for the shirt.