If you haven’t already, sign up for Politifact and The Conversation, both non-partisan. Politifact has fact-checked public officials for years and will continue to do so. The Conversation publishes careful analyses of issues.
Some years back there was a collection of CDs with television theme songs from the 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond. I used to play them in my car on trips sometimes. Loads of fun — my sons even liked them. You might still be able to find them for sale.
There was a farmer south of me who had one facing the highway, had the bottom half of a body/mannequin in overalls sticking out of it. Kept that thing up for a long time. Folks loved it!
The American breakfast cereal, Rice Krispies, has had as its tag and “mascots” 3 elf-like faces on the box named “Snap, Crackle & Pop” and their little advertisement song goes “Snap, crackle, pop! Rice Krispies!”
Many years ago, my eldest son went to a job interview wearing a t-shirt, low-handing jeans, and a long key chain from his back pocket. He said something very similar to Mike when he got back and I said nearly the same thing as Elly when he left. He said “people who only look at what I’m wearing are superficial and have a problem!” I said, “Did you get the job?” “No….” “Then YOU have a problem.” He dressed better after that.
But chicken wire won’t keep out snakes. Here in Middle TN a month or so ago, we had 4 power outages in about 7-8 days found due to snakes getting in the substation. They have apparently fixed the problem. The story made national news briefly.
Also the Titans.