they are into the politians, investment companies, banks, and white collar scams these days….they still off people who don’t cooperate…..just take a look at some deaths of the people who associated with the “Clintons” back in the day…..truely they were “Untouchable”…..lots of dead people… convictions….ummmm
the thing that looks like a building is really a fireplace with a glass spark enclosure…..what is the point of the toon… lonely dude….in his living room all by himself ……and he seems to be a little angry
how can you tell if a politician is lying……his lips are moving…..hahaha…..they should all be taken out back and hung…….that is a hot air balloon symbol….it should be a picture of a person, (the American citizens) being stabbed in the back by the socialist, communist party regime that is trying to tear down the American way of life and fredom…….which is what is happening today.
so the big schools would always rule…..and small schools would always suck….just like the pro sports do…..big high dollar teams get all the pub….and the small dollar teams just hope for a upset….that is why there should be salary caps…. or just break it down to a few teams cause the the fans get bored with a losing team all the time….”GO LONGHORNS”….
they are into the politians, investment companies, banks, and white collar scams these days….they still off people who don’t cooperate…..just take a look at some deaths of the people who associated with the “Clintons” back in the day…..truely they were “Untouchable”…..lots of dead people… convictions….ummmm