I;m going to give it lots of chances and not fuss about what they might be wearing on their heads. Maybe a kindly turk gave him the hat when his head was cold. I’ll buy that. Rose
What will the other comics do without Cathy? How many times she turned up as a blind date. My favorite was she turned out to be the much hyped blind date for the scuzzy lawyer-womanizer Steve, in Bloom County. But Cathy’s hit most of the strips in some capacity or another. They all seem to love drawing her. I just wish the REAL Cathy has an excellent life for the gift of this comic, that all these worries are hers no more and remind her that she does NOT need to have children to have a rich full life. Or get pregnant. I’m sure she’s gained an immense understanding after all her cartoon Cathy years. And cheers to her mother.
I just checked. If that’s a fez, then he’s a SHRINER!! And they do great parades (and hospitals). so this promises to be a strip with excellent parts…